RRB Signature Size: Upload your Signature to Resize According to Guidelines

When applying for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) examinations, ensure your signature meets the specified Signature Size guidelines as per www.RRBApply.gov.in.

RRB Signature Resize Tool

Upload your signature image, and we will resize it to meet the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Application Guidelines (As per RRBApply.gov.in):

  • Width: 390px
  • Height: 155px
  • Max Size: 50 KB
  • Format: JPG/JPEG
  • DPI: 300

RRB Signature Size Requirements

The RRB specifies strict guidelines for uploading your signature during the application process. Below are the key details:

  • Format: JPG or JPEG
  • Width: 390 pixels
  • Height: 155 pixels
  • File Size: Maximum 50 KB
  • Resolution: 300 DPI (Dots per Inch)

Ensuring your signature adheres to these specifications is essential to avoid application rejection or discrepancies during document verification.

RRBApply.gov.in Online Application Signature Guidelines

  1. The signature must be clear and legible, preferably written with a black ink pen on white paper.
  2. Avoid backgrounds that aren’t plain white to ensure clarity.
  3. Scan the signature at 300 DPI to maintain the required resolution.
  4. Avoid heavy editing or additional effects; this could make the signature invalid.
  5. If multiple signatures are required, ensure all adhere to the same format guidelines.

RRB Signature Resize Tool Utility

Manually resizing and formatting a digital signature can be tedious, especially when adhering to strict specifications. This is where online resize tools come in handy.

Moreover, without adhering to RRB Signature Size Guidelines, you will not be able to complete the online application process for various RRB Recruitment 2025.

How to Use the RRB Signature Resize Tool

Using a signature resize tool is simple and effective. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Upload Your Signature: Scan your signature or take a clear photo and upload it to the resize tool.
  2. Set Dimensions and Format: Input the required width (390 pixels), height (155 pixels), and format (JPG/JPEG).
  3. Adjust File Size: The tool will automatically compress the file to ensure it does not exceed 50 KB.
  4. Download the Resized File: Once processed, download your resized signature and upload it to the RRB application portal.

The signature you upload will be used for verification during later stages of the recruitment process, such as document verification and interviews. Uploading an incorrect or unclear signature can lead to disqualification.

By using a resize tool and adhering to the RRB signature guidelines, you can ensure a hassle-free application process.

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